Hear Across America
Regardless of your age or walk of life, proper hearing is important to
Hearing aids are incredibly delicate pieces of technology, and it can be a massive inconvenience when they start to cause you trouble. And, if you realize you need hearing aid repairs when your audiologist isn’t around to help, say during the weekend or in the evening, you might be tempted to try fixing it yourself.
However, this is rarely a good idea. Even if you are experienced in fixing electronics, the reality is that without the proper tools or training you will likely make it worse. The big question is: what should you do if you need hearing aid repairs? Let’s try to solve that particular problem right away.
First of all, there are a lot of common issues with hearing aids, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they need repairing. The first step is to check the electronics. Is the hearing aid powered on? Is the volume up properly? Perhaps the batteries have run out or have come loose somehow? It might be worth removing the batteries and seeing if they are wet; just give them a gentle clean and wipe out the compartment to see if it works.
Your audiologist will have told you about the replaceable parts of your hearing aid. If you notice damage to the tube or microphone shield, it might be possible for you to swap out the old for the new. Obstructions and blockages from earwax and body oil are common, too, so you might be able to fix the issue by carefully cleaning the relevant part. However, if you see cracks or broken parts, it’s best to contact your audiologist. Never, ever use any type of bonding agent or adhesive on your hearing aid. Also, never take your hearing aid apart; it’s vital to hand it over to a professional audiologist to do the job for you.
If you have the opportunity to discuss the hearing aid repair with your audiologist, do so. It may not be necessary, but you will guarantee that your hearing aid repairs will be in the very best of hands. Issues like static, whistling and poor fitting are usually a sign that you need to contact your audiologist. It’s also the case that your hearing aid may need replacing altogether. Your hearing may have changed, so you need an audiologist on hand to get the levels right again.
As with any other form of complex technology, hearing aids require a lot of care and attention. While there are many basic cleaning and maintenance tasks you can carry out yourself, the reality is that any serious problems need to be addressed by an audiologist. Tampering with a hearing aid when you are unsure of what you are doing, will likely end in disaster, so be very careful while handling this delicate equipment and always call on a qualified audiologist to put things right.
Regardless of your age or walk of life, proper hearing is important to
Have you noticed a change to your hearing recently? It’s possible
You might have noticed a change in your hearing. As we age, our hearing is