Tinnitus is a hearing condition that's fairly common. It's characterized by sounds in the ears (one or both) or head that no one else can hear. It might be ringing, whistling, whooshing or a number of other sounds that can be annoying or sometimes distressing. An audiologist can diagnose tinnitus and suggest effective treatments that help to relieve the symptoms. As one of the more common conditions that affect the ears and hearing, tinnitus is important to understand. It's often connected to hearing loss, so addressing it can help with wider issues. Read on if you want to learn more about tinnitus, what causes it and how it can be treated.

The effects of tinnitus

Tinnitus can have different effects on people. It can range from something that barely affects someone at all or is a mild annoyance to having a more severe impact on a person's life. The people whose symptoms are more serious or simply find tinnitus difficult to cope with can discover that tinnitus causes them distress, anxiety, sleeplessness, depression, and difficulties with concentration. Everyone with tinnitus is different, and some people might not even require any treatment. However, if you think you have tinnitus, you should see an audiologist to investigate the cause.

The causes of tinnitus

Tinnitus is linked to a range of things. It's most often associated with hearing loss, which is more common for older people. However, there are various underlying conditions and illnesses that are related to tinnitus. Sometimes tinnitus could be caused by an ear infection or excess earwax, and will go away once these issues have been treated. Sometimes tinnitus might be linked to more serious conditions, including high blood pressure or diabetes. Tinnitus is also related to stress and anxiety. However, tinnitus is most often associated with hearing loss, although we don't fully understand exactly what causes it. Seeing an audiologist will help to determine the cause of tinnitus so that a correct treatment can be chosen.

Tinnitus diagnosis

To diagnose tinnitus, you should see an audiologist. The audiologist will take a close look at your ears and your hearing. They might discover a temporary cause for tinnitus, which could be treated or addressed. If not, they can help you by discussing ways that you can manage and treat your tinnitus. If tinnitus isn't caused by something temporary, there isn't a cure, but there are methods you can use to adjust to and manage it.

Treating tinnitus

Tinnitus has a number of treatments and useful methods for managing the condition. Your audiologist might suggest hearing aids, especially if you also have some level of hearing loss. Hearing aids can also be combination devices that use sound machines. This is designed to help you adjust to the tinnitus by piping extra background noise into your ear. Tinnitus retraining therapy is an option that can work, which involves using sound devices and therapy sessions to help make the tinnitus less noticeable.

If you think you might have tinnitus, see an audiologist for a diagnosis. They can help you discover the cause and work out the right treatment.