Hearing tests are vital for helping your audiologist learn more about your hearing ability. These tests will give your audiologist plenty of information to help them make an informed decision on how to help you restore your hearing. Whether it’s clearing out a physical problem such as impacted earwax or recommending you a good hearing aid, the first examination is an important milestone.

So if you’d like to prepare for your hearing test, we’ve provided four simple steps that will ensure a pleasant and frustration-free experience.

Clean your ears

Audiologists will first perform a visual inspection of your ears so it’s a good idea to clean them. You don’t need to use cotton swabs or anything inside your ears; a simple clean with a cloth and a bit of warm water should do the trick. Make sure you remember to dry your ears as well so that you don’t leave excess moisture in your ear. Do this around an hour before your appointment so that your audiologist can get a clear view of the inside of your ear.

If you have a history of earwax blockages then you may want to have your ears cleaned professionally before your hearing exam. If you have impacted earwax or a blockage then your audiologist might not be able to perform the hearing test effectively. If a problem is discovered on the day, then your audiologist may clear the earwax blockage for you or reschedule.

Reschedule if you get sick

Certain illnesses, such as the common cold, can actually negatively affect the chance of a successful hearing test. This is because it can cause congestion in the head which leads to fluid leaking in the middle ear. It could also affect your eardrum and also your bones, and the hearing test may be uncomfortable if you’re sick.

Don’t be afraid to reschedule if you’re ill because it can drastically affect the results of your hearing test and your audiologist may even refuse to perform the test because it could give incorrect results.

Gather your medical information

Another important thing to do is gather all of your medical information and have it organized so that it’s in chronological order. Make sure you bring any medical documents that you may have and show it to your audiologist on the day that you arrive for your test. This is important because giving your audiologist a full and detailed medical history will help them ensure that the test is safe and secure for you.

Your audiologist will likely let you know if you need to bring any additional medical information such as the medicine you’re currently taking.

Deal with insurance concerns

Not every medical insurance plan will cover hearing tests, so make sure you read through the terms and conditions of your insurance so that you know for sure if you will need to pay or if your insurance company will cover it.

This is typically one of the first things you’ll consider before even booking a hearing test.